Saturday, November 17, 2012

He's here!

I don't have it in me to make a proper post but for those few of you reading this: he's here,  he's healthy, he's as sweet as can be! He was 7lbs 9 oz and hearing his cry at birth was the most amazing thing! I am so overjoyed I can barely handle it. Thankfully he didn't need any interventions or NICU time and now we're home and getting settled in together. 
Thank you all for thinking of us.


  1. Oh, Florine, yippee! I'm so happy to hear this. I hope you are all settling in at home together, feeling cozy with all this rain falling outside. I've been thinking and thinking about you and am just so glad all is well. Love to you, to your husband, to baby boy and to his big sister, Saersha.

  2. Very happy to hear this news
    Huge sighs of relief when blm's get their rainbow babies out, alive, and well.

    Love to you, and remembering your missing girl. Saersha.

  3. So so thrilled Florine. I really hope to meet you and your little one when the time is right and things settle. Love to you all xo A

  4. Very happy to read this news. Congratulations.

  5. <3 <3 <3 I'm so glad to hear this! I've been thinking about you and hoping that everything went smoothly. Post pictures soon <3 <3 <3

  6. What a relief! Hope you're feeling well and a bit more settled now. My heart is so very happy that your son is here safe and sound. Love to you and your family of four.
